Meet Theresa

Born in Trinidad and Tobago, lives in the USA
She’s been traveling since 10 years old and has visited 12 countries
She is a Budget Traveler, Explorer, Nature Lover
How do we know each other?
Answer: We met at Tim Reid’s AFRAM film festival in Norfolk, Virginia
What do you find most interesting about traveling?
Answer: Traveling gives me eyes into another person’s or culture’s world. It shows me we’re more alike than different, BUT the differences (in music, food, dancing, etc.) are fascinating.

What do you like to do when you’re in other countries?
Answer: Wherever I go, I talk to the locals and I ask what are the “must-sees.” Their suggestions have never disappointed me. I stay away from tourist traps, and I very seldom go to museums, which for me are filled with stolen treasures. I like to hike. I will walk, and if there’s something to climb, I’ll climb it.
If you could choose anyone to be your travel buddy, who would be it? And why?
Answer: I don’t really know. I am very adaptable and can travel with anyone. I have no qualms about going on my own if it’s not working with the person I’m with. I have found myself longing for a romantic partner to share some things with, but it hasn’t happened yet.
“It’s cheaper to travel in groups.” Do you agree or disagree? And why?
Answer: I think it CAN be cheaper to travel in groups. However, I think that if a person does their research and if they’re willing to be flexible, it can be cheap going solo, as well. I slept in a rental car in a campground in the Scottish Highlands, and a camper in Verona, Italy. Also, I slept in numerous hostels, Airbnb’s, hotels, friends’ homes, friends of friends’ homes. Many of my accommodations were free or very low cost. So, I think if a person is willing to step outside of their comfort zone, it can be cheaper for them to travel solo vs being in a group.

What are some ways that you’ve practiced frugality while abroad?
Answer: My standard meal is bread and cheese and a bag of salad. A loaf of bread and a pack of sliced cheese costs around $5, and lasts 3-5 meals. A bag of salad costs $2-3 and will last 2 days.
Additionally, I walk… A LOT. I’ve walked as much as 15 miles in one day. Walking saves money and allows me to explore my surroundings better. I DO take the double decker tours if an area has them. I find the cost is worth it for 24 hours of hopping on and off. The first time, I go ALL THE WAY AROUND, taking note of places I’d like to see. The tours are usually 90 minutes or less, so then I go back around, getting off where I want to. I don’t spend money on museums and the like. Just because someone SAID I should be interested in a painting, sculpture or fresco doesn’t mean I should be. I decide what I like and explore THAT. Most places, like Athens, have wonderful street art that is FREE.
How do you find your way around a country or foreign city you’ve never been to?
Answer: Everywhere I go, I learn to say please, thank you, hello and how much does this cost in the local language. I’ve found these phrases incredibly helpful in making people receptive to my questions or requests. A lot of people speak English, so oftentimes it’s not a problem at all. I have never NOT been able to navigate around a place.

What’s harder to deal with: being homesick when you’re in another country, or feeling nostalgic about a place you’ve been?
Answer: I’ve never felt homesick. I long to return to the Scottish Highlands and Greece and would move there any given chance. I often feel like a fish out of water in America. I find the value system here counter to what I know and have experienced in many of the places I’ve visited.
If you could host a television show on any continent other than North America, where would you choose, and what would the show be about?
Answer: I would love to host a show in Greece. The show would be about the people, their resilience and tenacity, and ways to return to prosperity.
What advice do you have for those who dream of traveling?
Answer: If you want to travel, do it. Pick a place. Buy a ticket NOW. Go. You won’t regret it. You won’t miss the money. You’re more likely to regret NOT going.
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