If you haven’t heard of Ayah Adventurer, take a few seconds to follow her on Instagram @ayahadventurer…

Okay, welcome back! Let’s delve into how this travel writer is transforming her passion and creativity into content that inspires others to be bolder, more adventurous and lead more joy-filled lives.
Ayah fell in love with writing at an early age, producing poems and short stories on nearly every subject her heart could imagine. Fast-forward to today; the Philly native is a best-selling author and travel writer who has written hundreds of articles for Ebony, Travel Noire, and Brown Skin Brunchin’. Additionally, Ayah creates astonishing content and maintains it on a vibrant, family-oriented, and travel-inspiring Instagram page.
With five continents under her belt, Ayah shows ordinary people how they can spice up their lives with adventure—despite their personal and professional obligations—by putting pieces of her life on display. Her travels are as fascinating and exotic as eating snails while browsing the world-renowned markets of Marrakech in Morocco! (Yes, she did that!)
From the mineral-rich black sand beaches of Iceland to the breathtaking views overlooking the timeless Turkish city of Cappadocia, she introduces even the most seasoned travelers to experiences and destinations only true adventurers seek. Whether she’s enjoying pristine Caribbean beaches or historic European architecture, Ayah’s family remains at the forefront of her adventures.
“I can’t let my travels be all about work. I still need to spend time just living in the moment and enjoying the destination with my family,” she says.

As enlivening as Ayah’s escapades are, she equally enjoys writing about other travelers’ experiences, as evidenced by her pieces from the Black Expat series and articles highlighting Black businesses around the world. Through her writing, Ayah paints vivid stories that enhance readers’ perspectives and give them new, unique insights. Her articles have highlighted Black adventurers who have lived the nomadic van life, who have slept in pods dangling from a mountainside in Peru, and who own a private jet company.
And her pen does not stop there. “I write about anything I think people would benefit from reading, whether it’s an article that might inspire them to visit a particular place, a piece providing information on the logistics of traveling, or something purely entertaining.“
Indeed, readers will be entertained; in fact, they’ll feel like they’re exploring a city like Lisbon as Ayah’s words guide them through the trees of Adventure Park, have them stargazing at the Calouste Gulbenkian Planetarium, and take them boating down the Tagus River. By following Ayah’s work, you’re guaranteed to discover an action-packed and enjoyable itinerary for your next family vacation!
What separates Ayah from other travel writers is that her content isn’t based solely on research. She’s been to the places she so passionately describes, which means you’re guaranteed to get valuable, firsthand information.
Additionally, Ayah documents her travels through colorful and wanderlust-inducing photographs that bring each destination to life. She even shares a few of her secrets on how to capture and transform those special vacation moments into captivating photographs.

“I love to plan my outfits to match the background. That’s so much fun for me and helps level up my pics. I know it’s not for everyone, though, so a more general tip would be to resist the urge to over-edit. I encourage people to avoid doing too much, like increasing the saturation by a lot or removing too many shadows. It’s good to preserve the natural essence of the image.”
Similarly, you’ll get the “natural essence” of travel and the authentic experience with this adventurer. You’ll find much to explore with Ayah, especially in the near future. While most of us were still figuring out our 2023 New Year’s resolutions, Ayah was booking trips. This year, her bucket list includes a number of Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries. To collaborate with or learn more about Ayah and her work, you can follow her on Instagram @ayahadventurer.