The Journey Begins


Bro, Go Travel! is not just a website, but also a journey! 

I’ve been traveling for the past ten years, and I recently passed thirty countries. Although thirty is a relatively small number compared to travelers I know, the extraordinary experiences have been significant enough to keep me booking tickets to places I’ve never been. 

The most common questions I get are “How do you travel so much?” and “How do you afford it?” I believe the main reason people ask these questions is because they want to know how they can do it, too. The people I’m referring to are my family and friends. This is one of the motives behind the site – to encourage and inspire others to be courageous and conquer their goals!

The first posts will be dedicated specifically to helping prospective adventurers reach their destinations by providing practical information and steps that anyone can follow to begin their journey. I’m going to start from the very beginning. If you don’t have a clue where to begin, you will learn by joining me on this journey. 

Another question I get from friends and family is, “When are you coming home?” My response is usually, “When are you going to join me?” Traveling is really important to me. I love the novelty of it – interacting with different cultures, discovering unique and delicious cuisines, learning exotic languages, witnessing various types of natural ecosystems, and meeting the most interesting people in the world. It’s something I believe everyone should do. It doesn’t have to be going somewhere on the other side of the world. It could be taking a trip to a nearby town or another state. In fact, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been is Yosemite National Park in California. 

Although some of those closest to me do not share my fascination with traveling, they’re still curious to know what I do when I go to these foreign places. Therefore, this site will be used as a platform to share my travel experiences. I’m not a professional photographer or videographer by any means, but I’m learning. After my 16 GB iPhone 6 ran out of storage a long time ago, a friend encouraged me to invest in a decent camera, since I like to travel. I took his advice, and have enjoyed honing my video and photography skills ever since.

If you’re beginning your journey and have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. Most likely, someone has the same question, or an answer. There’s a comment section designed to facilitate conversation. Likewise, if you’re a seasoned traveler, please help me help others by sharing your expertise. Thank you in advance!



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