There are a world of reasons why people travel. Some travel to get stamps in their passports, while others travel for a deeper sense of meaning. It doesn’t matter where you go or how you get there. Bro, Go Travel! encourages those who dream of traveling to go ahead and book a flight, rent a car, or get on a bus and discover what adventure awaits you. This post includes reasons why people (including me) travel. Check out some of the reasons below and see which ones resonate with you.
1. You Become More Interesting

The further you venture out, the more people of different cultures will be curious to know who you are and where you come from. Locals will be interested in how you look and speak. Some may stare, point and laugh at you. Others might want to touch your hair, chat with you and take photos together. While some travelers find this behavior bothersome, I find it amusing. Let the world know you exist and leave a positive impression of who you are or can be on those you encounter!
Additionally, once you return from your travels, you’ll be interesting to your family and friends. You’ll be your family’s world traveler and will have cool stories to share with your friends.
2. Get a Break from the Daily Grind
After all the work you do, you owe adventure, excitement, and novelty to yourself. If you wish, you can get away from everybody and everything you know. Being in a place where no one knows who you are gives you time to self-reflect and work on who you want to be.
3. Meet New And Interesting Friends
There are few communities as close knit as the travel community. Travelers understand what it’s like to be away from home and to miss loved ones; therefore, travelers become skilled at filling the gaps of being alone by bonding with others. The people you meet will become a part of your travel experience. This is what builds meaningful and lasting friendships.
4. Expand Your Taste For Deliciousness

Perhaps, one of the best things about travel is the food. You’ll come to appreciate foods with mouth-watering flavors that your taste buds have never experienced. Then you’ll come across strange foods that are only good for a photo to send to your friends. You’ll learn about different cultures through what people eat, how they prepare meals and the reasons behind it all.
Additionally, you may be influenced by other people’s eating habits. For example, in some Latin American countries, breakfast and dinner are lighter meals; where as, lunch is the heaviest and most important. In Japan, you’ll learn portion control because meal portions are a lot smaller than in the U.S.
5. Expand Your Knowledge
It’s nearly impossible to travel and not learn anything. The world becomes a classroom as you observe and discover how people of different nations interact with the world. You’ll learn about other countries’ cultures, governments, and economies, even if it’s at a micro level.
Most importantly, you’ll learn about yourself.
6. Pick Up A Trade
In places all around the world, hands-on tasks are a part of people’s daily routine. Spending time with people will not only give you insight on how they live, but will also give you the opportunity to be a part of their routines and learn from them throughout the process.
Instead of living in a society where everything is prepackaged and readily available for you, you’ll have the opportunity to learn hard skills such as: hunting, fishing, growing food, cooking, woodworking, painting, building stuff, mechanics, sailing, etc. The longer you stay in a place, the more time you have to shadow others and improve your skills.
Also, you’ll develop other kinds of skills, like speaking a new language (at least a few words), planning itineraries, reading maps, networking, and the list goes on.
7. Discover What Really Matters

You might end up somewhere where social media, television, or pop culture are not popular. You may go to a country where emphasis is placed on a person’s work life, or you may encounter places where family is valued above all else. Somehow or another, this will affect you, and you’ll reevaluate what matters most to you.
8. Challenge Yourself
If your ambition is personal development, then the only way to improve “You” is by challenging yourself. What better way to challenge yourself than by going to a place you’ve never been and that’s different from everything you know. Interact with people who look, live and believe differently than you. Do the things that terrify you!
9. For The Sake of Living
Earth may not be as big as Jupiter, but it’s still a big place. And it’s home to all of us, so why not take risks, explore and learn about your world while you’re still alive!